Laikipia was a region of many ranches and community areas which belonged to many different tribes such as the Masaai, Kikuyu, Mukugodo, Europeans, Pokot, Samburu, Meru and Turkana. It is a wonderful area where guests can discover the different cultures of Kenya. In recent years it has been increasing in popularity for the quality of its game viewing and exceptional level of safaris.
Laikipia’s success lies in a conglomerate of landowners’ unified approach to conservation (often community-based), in the growing role of tourism as a tool for local area conservation. In the last two decades, wildlife numbers have been recovering and the region. The area contains half of Kenya’s rhino (black and white). It is home to the second largest population of elephant in the country. A huge percentage of East Africa’s Grevy’s zebra have made the plateau their home. The area’s number of wild dog is on the increase, and it boasts Kenya’s only viable population of Lelwel hartebeest.